Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Dreadful Fairy Book Awareness Tour 2018


Enter to win a copy of A Dreadful Fairy Book by Jon Etter!

Ten (10) winners receive:

A bound galley copy of A Dreadful Fairy Book

Giveaway begins November 13, 2018, at 12:01 A.M. PST and ends December , 2018, at 11:59 P.M. PST.

Giveaway open to residents of the fifty United States and the District of Columbia who are 13 and older.

Amberjack Publishing is responsible for prize fulfillment.

If you have any difficulty with the Rafflecopter form, please use this link: 


A Dreadful Fairy Book

Written by Jon Etter

Publisher’s Synopsis: Shade the sprite is dreadful at being the perfect fairy. After her treehouse burns to the ground, Shade embarks on a quest, albeit with rather questionable companions, to find a place her outré self can finally fit in—a place of companionship and comfort and, most importantly, positively filled with books. When fantastic ruffians, swindlers, and a pack of ruthless Unseelie hunters threaten to halt her at every turn, can Shade survive the dreadful journey and find a destination she can truly call home?

Ages 9-12 | Publisher: Amberjack Publishing | November 20, 2018 | ISBN-13: 978-1948705141



If you were to take a narrator such as Lemony Snicket, add a protagonist with a chip on her shoulder, and then have other characters act in surprising ways - you would have a basic recipe for A Dreadful Fairy Book. Quentin Q. Quacksworth, Esq., our narrator, warns us from the start that "this story is quite dreadful" and "the fairies in this story are quite dreadful at being fairies." (Dreadful is a word which in this context means that they do not act as expected.)
Quentin Q. Quacksworth, Esq.

Not to argue with a professional narrator, but the story was actually delightful. Yes, the characters often act contrary to the way in which their species are commonly portrayed, but that is a big part of the entertainment. Grumpy fairies, literary trolls, and squires who would rather try out new recipes than learn to fight are refreshing and offer plenty of opportunities to amuse and surprise us as we read.

So...this is the story of Lillyshadow Glitterdemalion, known as Shade to everyone who actually pays attention to her preferences. After losing her home and all her possessions, she sets out to fulfill her dream of finding a library. As she quests across distances she has only read about, Shade makes new friends and enemies, travelling with "the exact sort of confidence that usually gets people into profoundly deep trouble." Readers cannot help cheering for Shade's successes and fretting over her problems; there are plenty of dangers, villains, and unexpected allies to keep the action and suspense cranked up.

For those who love reading as much as Shade does, her frequent mention of books she has read will be a great source of amusement (a few times I even laughed out loud). Perhaps you have heard of Pride and Pixies, Meager Expectations, or To Murder an Insulting Finch? And the allusions aren't limited to cleverly disguised titles, they also appear as references to "Saint Eeyore (patron saint of lost causes)" or to "an old human in long gray robes and a funny hat poring over books about rings." 

Whether you enjoy remixed fairy tales, humorous adventures, voyages of self-discovery, or stories that include lots of love for books of all sorts, you should disregard the narrator's opinion and read A Dreadful Fairy Book. And if you're not sure that any of those sorts of stories is right for you, perhaps you are rebellious enough to read and enjoy it simply because the narrator says you should not. Go on - you know you want to give it a try.


The Children's Book Review
Tour Kick-Off & Review
November 13
Word Spelunking
Book Review
November 14
A Dream Within A Dream
Book Review
November 15
LitPick Student Book Reviews
November 16
Mommy Ramblings
Book Review
November 26
The Fairview Review
Book Review
November 27
To Read, or Not To Read
Book Review
November 28
icefairy's Treasure Chest
Book Review
November 29
Book Review
November 30
The Lovely Books
Guest Post
December 3
Tales of A Wanna-Be SuperHero Mom
Book Review
December 4
Confessions of a Book Addict
December 6
The Secret Files of Fairday Morrow
Book Review
December 7
The Children's Book Review
Book Review
December 8

FTC Disclosure: The Fairview Review is participating in the blog tour in partnership with The Children’s Book Review and Amberjack Publishing.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Fall Reading 2018 Max and the Midknights

Anyone who has read the Big Nate stories will recognize the style and humor of Lincoln Peirce immediately when they look at a copy of Max and the Midknights. Max is apprenticed to Uncle Budrick, a troubadour who isn't very talented. What Max really dreams of is becoming a knight. Through a series of misadventures including (but not limited to), a town under the control of a tyrant, an evil witch, a banished knight, a child trapped in a tower, and even a dragon...Max may just find a way to make that dream come true.

As Max and Budrick travel, readers will hear of how Budrick became a troubadour and the family's ties to Byjovia. They will also meet assorted characters that will help or hinder them. Max also explains to readers about life in the Middle Ages. "That means a lot of important stuff hasn't been invented yet. Like paved roads, the toothbrush, and a little convenience known as indoor plumbing." (What can I say? Max tells it like it is.) Readers also learn that "there actually IS a Troubadour Hall of Fame...Worst gift shop ever." 

One of my favorite characters is Kevyn, who hopes to be a writer even though children must learn their family trade and his father works with horses. Kevyn dreams of books that hold "Stories of great events and grand adventures! Tales of knights, kings, and magical creatures!" Sounds like the story he is a part of, doesn't it?

If you enjoy humor, adventure, the kind of stories that Kevyn dreams of, or any tale where the underdogs are fighting against the evil ruler of the land, then pick up a copy of Max and the Midknights. (On sale January 8, 2019)

I read an advance copy supplied by the publisher for review purposes.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Fall Reading 2018 Operation Rescue Dog


Anyone who has read Maria's books knows that her stories always feature a dog and this latest title is no exception. Lulu is a rescue dog, one who was found after being dumped near the highway. She is being taken on the Operation Rescue Dog truck to meet someone special. Alma misses her mother who is serving in Iraq; we read that "Alma wears Mami's scarf like a hug." Her Abuela agrees with Alma that they should get a rescue dog and they set out to meet the truck. As they drive Alma wonders "Can a dog feel like a hug?" After several misadventures, our two protagonists finally meet and we hold our breath as we wait to see if they will realize they belong together.

Maria's words capture the feelings of Alma as she deals with the separation from her mother and her hope for a new friend in Lulu. She also manages to portray Lulu's experiences without humanizing her. The illustrations pick up important details such as Lulu's tail tucked between her legs in uncertainty, or Alma rubbing Mami's scarf against her cheek for comfort. Together, text and images tell a heartwarming story of family.

The author's note explains about animal rescue and gives the names of some websites to visit for more information, as well as some other ways to help if you cannot adopt an animal yourself. There is also a glossary of the Spanish words used in the story. A portion of the proceeds from the book will be donated to Best Friends Animal Society.