Thursday, November 25, 2021

Fall Reading 2021 Merriam Webster's Word of the Day


Do you know someone who loves unusual words such as kerfuffle, bamboozle, or  defenestrate? Then you should give them a copy of this book. Each day a different word is featured with the pronunciation, definiton, and an anecdote that uses the word in context. At the end of each  month is a story that includes all the words from that month (shown in bold). There is even a QR code to access a read-aloud of the story. There are also a group of words around a theme in each month's list; it might be words related to disasters (mayhem, fiasco, pandemonium) or words to use when you can't remember the name of something (gizmo, thingamjig, doohickey). Amusing illustrations show animals acting out the definitions - a white horse paints black stripes on itself to "hoodwink" others into believing it is a zebra, or a hyena falls over laughing with a great "guffaw." 

Perfect for logophiles who are always collecting new words, or to give to a teacher to use in their classroom to share unusual words with their students.

Fall Reading 2021 Churro and the Magician


PreS-Gr 2—In this wordless graphic novel, a young bunny named Churro misses the school bus one morning and instead has a magical adventure. He finds a magic wand near the bus stop and walks through town waving it. Readers will laugh as he transforms a skyscraper into a gigantic chest of drawers and a train becomes a huge centipede. But the other residents of the town are not amused, and neither is the wand's true owner, who sees television coverage of the havoc Churro has caused and sets out to reclaim his wand and repair the town. The wordless format allows young readers to imagine their own version of the story; they may want to describe the action, predict what will happen next, add dialogue for the various characters, or even provide sound effects. Illustrations use cheerful pastel colors, with a few darker accents and the magician's black suit for contrast. Characters' expressions make their reactions to events clear despite the lack of text, and the flow of the story line is easy to follow. VERDICT An entertaining story for readers transitioning from picture books into graphic novels.

(My review originally appeared in School Library Journal, vol. 67, no. 9, Sept. 2021, p.81.)

Fall Reading 2021 Banana Fox and the Book-Eating Robot


Gr. 2 - 4 Banana Fox and his trusty sidekicks are back in action. Although the Secret Sour Society is in jail, having been defeated by Banana Fox and company, Sour Grapes Jr. is on the loose (little kids can't go to jail, as he points out) and he has Banana Fox put into Library Jail because of overdue fines. Sidekicks Sharyanna and William rush to free Banana Fox but run into unexpected trouble--a book-eating robot! Bold cartoons depict Sharyanna using her flashlight to search for clues, William lowering his pet turtle through a skylight to free Banana Fox, and the hero himself crying in Library Jail. The humorous, zany mistakes that Banana Fox often makes (like assuming that the Secret Sour Soceity was behind the rain that caused his cardboard mansion to melt) are reminiscent of Inspector Gadget and sure to have kids laughing out loud. These incredibly inept heroes must fight the evil book-eating robot to save the day so Banana Fox can use his catch phrase "Wowie Pow!" and put the junior villain in time-out. Banana Fox is a yellow fox, Sharyanna is brown-skinned, and William is pink-skinned. VERDICT: Plenty of silliness and action will make this a sure hit with early chapter book and graphic novel readers. Perfect for readers who enjoy wacky heroes but are not quite ready for titles as long as Dav Pilkey's "Dog Man." 

(My review originally appeared in School Library Journal, vol. 67, no. 9, Sept. 2021, p. 83.)

Fall Reading 2021 Space Explorers: 25 Extraordinary Stories of Space Exploration and Adventure

Gr. 3 - 7 Libby Jackson captures key moments in space exploration from the launch of Sputnik to plans for the first Mars mission. “These stories are not creations of imagination, no matter how unbelievable they may at first seem.”  Arranged chronologically, the stories include a variety of famous achievements and individuals. There are also discussions of astronaut selection and details about astronaut meals. A large scale illustration complements each story. The images capture the tension of the control room during Apollo 13, the humor of an astronaut chasing floating wasabi peas on the ISS, or the faces of all those who have died on missions. With its narrative approach, this volume could easily be used to introduce various topics in the classroom - from satellites to planetary expeditions. VERDICT: An enjoyable read for space enthusiasts and a helpful addition to library collections.

(My review originally appeared in School Library Journal, vol. 67, no. 8, Aug. 2021, p. 101.)

Fall Reading 2021 Baloney and Friends: Going Up

Gr. 1 - 3 Baloney and his friends are back in their second graphic novel. The differing personalities of the ensemble provide much of the humor, such as when Baloney writes a theme song for the group. Peanut and Bizz are excited about their inclusion in the song, but Krabbit warns Baloney, “Choose your next words very carefully.” Bizz patiently explains to Baloney that he is vastly overpricing items in his yard sale. Peanut naively tries to find Baloney’s missing sneeze, and then all the friends abandon the tent as Baloney passes gas. Each situation is commonplace - a camping trip, a bug bite, admiring a tree - but the characters bring the events to life with their unique responses and their interactions with each other. Color coded speech bubbles match the characters to their words and ease picture book readers into the format of comic panels. And for those who wish to create their own stories, there are directions on how to draw each of the characters to show various emotions. VERDICT: A delightful read for early chapter book readers.

(My review originally appeared in School Library Journal, vol. 67, no. 7, July 2021, p. 56.)

Fall Reading 2021 She Persisted: Sonia Sotomayor

Gr. 1 - 4 This full-length biography of Sonia Sotomayor is part of the series expanding on the original profiles in She Persisted.  Author Meg Medina takes readers through the stages of Sonia’s life from learning to walk at the age of seven months to her appointment as the first Latina Supreme Court Justice. Challenges like the discovery that Sonia had diabetes are balanced by triumphs such as being accepted to Princeton. Instances of unfairness fuel her desire to make things more just. Back matter includes suggestions for building confidence just as Sonia did by joining the school forensics team. Additional material includes an introduction from Chelsea Clinton, author and illustrator details, and a complete reference list. This title would be a good title for a unit on pioneering women and Latinx individuals. VERDICT: An engaging read for elementary classrooms and a welcome addition to library biography sections.

(My review originally appeared in School Library Journal, vol. 67, no.6, June 2021, pp. 74+.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Merry Christmas, Eve! Virtual Book Tour


Enter for a chance to win a copy of Merry Christmas, Eve!

(3) Three winners receive:

A copy of Merry Christmas, Eve!

The giveaway ends December 16, 2021, at 11:59 P.M. MT.


Merry Christmas, Eve!

Written by Adam Wallace

Illustrated by Lena Bardy

Ages 4+ | 36 Pages

Publisher: Krueger Wallace Press & Riven Rock Projects | ISBN-13: 9780648973737

“The day before Christmas is a very special day,

That never had its own name.

But that all changed when one special elf,

Rose to glory and fame.

Eve was an elf with such get up and go,

She worked hard and loved to play.

But the Head Elf ran Christmas with an iron fist,

And this was what he had to say…”




Adam Wallace has written stories about elves before (How to Catch an Elf), but Eve is by far his favorite elf!

Adam also has a mother who still makes him write a letter to Santa every year, and puts a stocking at the end of his bed … he doesn’t mind!

With over 82 books published, Adam believes Eve can outshine them all!

For more information, visit


My students love Adam Wallace's entire How to Catch a... series of books, so I was excited to read his new story about a Christmas elf (and just in time for the holidays). Merry Christmas, Eve is a heartwarming story of an elf who knows there is more to Christmas than just churning out toys from the workshop. What about the spirit? What about the fun? Eve sets out to rescue the holiday from the Head Elf who has sucked all the joy out of the North Pole.

Bouncy rhyming text is supported by colorful illustrations. One of my favorite scenes has reindeer holding protest signs that read, "No play? No way!" and "Bye Bye Flybys" after the Head Elf decrees that they must fly in straight lines. With her candy cane striped tights and her winsome elf eyes, Eve is a plucky hero that will charm readers of all ages. Youngsters will also have fun watching for the gingerbread men who pop up in many of the illustrations. Joyfully embracing the spirit of the season is a lesson that can never be repeated too often and this book does the trick.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Children’s Book Review

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Glass of Wine, Glass of Milk

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Fairview Review

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Momma Spot

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Life Is What It’s Called

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

J.R.s Book Reviews

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Twirling Book Princess

A book giveaway of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Tales of A Wanna-Be SuperHero Mom

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Crafty Moms Share

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Barbara Ann Mojica’s Blog

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Lisa’s Reading

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Friday, December 3, 2021

Confessions of a Book Addict

A book giveaway of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Heart to Heart

A book giveaway of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

A Dream Within a Dream

A book review of

Merry Christmas, Eve!

The Fairview Review is participating in the virtual book tour in partnership with The Children’s Book Review and Krueger Wallace Press & Riven Rock Projects.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Friendly Bookshelf Virtual Book Tour



Enter for a chance to win a copy of The Friendly Bookshelf!

(7) Seven winners receive:

  • A copy of The Friendly Bookshelf

  • A copy of The Friendly Bookshelf donated to a library of your choice

The giveaway ends December 16, 2021, at 11:59 P.M. MT.


The Friendly Bookshelf

Written by Caroline and Katherine Brickley

Illustrated by Daniela Pérez-Duarte

Ages 3+ | 32 Pages

Publisher: Blossom Children’s Media Group | ISBN-13: 9780997782714

Publisher’s Synopsis: Meet Bibli, a brave little library bookshelf in search of a story about someone like him . . .

Once upon a time, in a library like any other, there lived a little bookshelf named Bibli who carried a BIG question on his shelves: “Could there be a story somewhere about a bookshelf like me?” Bibli is told that bookshelves are supposed to hold stories, not have ones of their own. But everything changes when he meets Cassie, a girl longing for a friend just as much as Bibli longs for a story to relate to. Bibli learns that with kindness, confidence, empathy, and friendship, even your biggest dreams can come true—and that everyone has an important story worth sharing.

The Friendly Bookshelf is a social-emotional learning (SEL) research-based book and the first-ever picture book about a bookshelf. Written to build self-confidence and self-esteem as well as encourage inclusivity, Bibli’s story empowers children to be brave, be a friend, and always be your-shelf! Readers will be inspired to go beyond the final page of the book and share their own stories, as well as be the pioneers of a kinder, more inclusive world where everybody (and every bookshelf!) belongs.




Caroline and Katherine Brickley are twin sisters and the award-winning authors of The Blossom Shoppe and The Friendly Bookshelf. Inspired by their mother, who made up stories for them each night, the sisters spent their childhood coming up with stories of their own and bringing them to life. As they grew, so did their passion for storytelling, and in 2017 the sisters made it their full-time job by founding Blossom Children’s Media Group (Blossom) from their shared college dorm room.

Now a multi-award-winning company known for excellence in children’s literature and family content, Blossom continues to bring children, families, and educators from around the world together through wholesome stories and inclusive community experiences. In their free time, Caroline and Katherine love to swim, travel, and spend time with friends and family, including their goldendoodle, Sugar, who served as the inspiration for the library dog featured in The Friendly Bookshelf.

For more information, visit


The Friendly Bookshelf is a delightful story about the connection between children, stories, and libraries. Cassie is a quiet child who loves books and a quiet corner to enjoy them. She also cares about her friends, because she listens to Bibli's dream of finding a story about a bookshelf. And she makes sure that Bibli gets his wish because she truly believes that "everyone has a story." Bibliophiles of all ages can appreciate the way Cassie grows from being a reader to writing and sharing a story with others. The illustrations are done in soft pastels for the walls, warm browns for the bookcases, and slightly brighter colors on the storytime rug. Cassie and Bibli have expressive faces and body language (even if he is a bookshelf). The faces of the other children as they “Oooooh!” and “Aaaaah!” over storytime reflect the wonder we all feel when we find ourselves included in a story.  

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of visits to local libraries with my family and then enjoying the books I found. Weekend trips to the library were favorite outings, or perhaps it would be more accurate to call them quests. I would search for books by favorite authors, stories my teachers had mentioned in class, or titles on subjects I was curious about - and then check out the maximum allowed on my library card. But, looking back, I never found a bookshelf as friendly and helpful as Bibli. Perhaps it was because the shelves were usually industrial steel, rather than a warmly decorated wood. Maybe it was because I was so busy searching for books that I never took the time to settle in and read them at the library like Cassie does in the story. But children reading this book will be excited to go and explore their own library and discover new friends among its shelves.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Children’s Book Review

Tour Kick-Off

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Fairview Review

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Glass of Wine, Glass of Milk

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Friday, November 19, 2021

Confessions of a Book Addict

A book giveaway of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Monday, November 22, 2021

Lisa’s Reading

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Crafty Moms Share

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Tales of A Wanna-Be SuperHero Mom

A book beyond the book activity

The Friendly Bookshelf

Friday, November 26, 2021

J.R.s Book Reviews

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Barbara Ann Mojica’s Blog

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Monday, November 29, 2021

Life Is What It’s Called

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Life Is What It’s Called

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Heart to Heart

An interview with

Caroline and Katherine Brickley

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Me Two Books

A book beyond the book activity

The Friendly Bookshelf

Friday, December 3, 2021

The Momma Spot

A book review of

The Friendly Bookshelf

The Fairview Review is participating in the virtual tour in partnership with The Children’s Book Review and Blossom Children's Media Group, LLC.