Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Fall Reading 2023 The Last Party

A wealthy developer throws a New Year's Eve party and is found dead by midnight. Detective Constable Ffion Morgan from the North Wales Police is a native of the village where the crime happens. Could one of her friends or neighbors be the culprit? She and Detective Constable Leo Brady of the Cheshire Constabulary have met before, but don't really know each other. How well will they work together on the case? 

This story has a very atmospheric setting with the lake and the mountains. Lots of tension exists between the wealthy and the villagers. More tension crops up between Ffion and Leo as they work the case and try to work around their own frustration with each other. Both detectives have complicated family lives that also intrude on their time, occasionally leaving readers to wonder if they will be too distracted to close the case.

As the investigation continues, it seems that a large problem will be too many suspects and motives rather than a lack. So if you enjoy complicated plots, backstories that seep in around the edges of the ongoing case, and detectives who are human and prone to their own foibles - pick up a copy of this to enjoy over the holiday break. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Fall Reading 2023 Hamra and the Jungle of Memories

This Red Riding Hood tale set in Malaysia reimagines the adventures of a granddaughter and a wild beast. Rather than a wolf, there is a weretiger who exacts revenge for the rules of the jungle being broken. Rule 1 "Always ask permission before you enter." Rule 2 "Don't challenge what you can't see." Rule 3 "Never use your true name." Rule 4 Never take what isn't yours."  Rule 5 "If you hear someone calling your name, never, ever look behind you." As all those who are familiar with fairy tales know - "It is an unfortunate truth about rules that they must, by design, exist side by side with consequences.". 

Hamra is having a bad day when the book begins. Everyone has forgotten her birthday. Her grandmother is losing her memory. The COVID pandemic is keeping her parents away from home for long periods of time (nursing and making deliveries). So she might be forgiven for forgetting a rule that no one has ever explained the reason for. But even when she notices her error, she continues to break one rule after another. As a result she must complete a very dangerous quest or the weretiger will punish her family.

Descriptions of the jungle Hamra travels through, the market she visits, even the colors and smells of the foods that are mentioned all build a very definite image of the setting. As readers, we begin to suspect some of the forces at work behind the scenes. There are details in her grandmother's rambling stories that almost seem to match up with the current situation. Sometimes the weretiger lets a hint slip in conversation. We feel as if we are hunters stalking illusive prey as we follow these tracks through the pages.

Alkaf does an excellent job of capturing Hamra's simmering resentment against the state of her family and the fact that she doesn't even have the outlet of school with other kids because of the pandemic.  She thinks of her father spending all his time driving around delivering food and PPEs rather than taking groups on tours in his boat. "The boat stayed moored at the dock, just as Hamra stayed home with her aged grandparents, all of them bobbing in place and gathering dust." The author also endears Hamra's friend Ilyas to us, describing him as "a more awkward, teenage boy version of Mary Poppins, except with a Steve Irwin aesthetic."

This book is a great next read for someone who has enjoyed the Rick Riordan Presents books and similar stories based on folktales and lore from around the world. There is magic, danger, survival in the jungle, family, friendship, coming of age, and so much more. Those who read it will learn that "a child can change the shape of the story and in doing so, the shape of the world." Hand this book to a child and empower them to take charge of their own story.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Fall Reading 2023 Shermy & Shake, the Not So Nice Neighbor

Shermy has plans for a perfect summer - quietly reading, working jigsaw puzzles, and collecting small treasures to keep in the pouch he wears around his neck. Shake has other plans. He is a messy eater, prefers to make his own rules for board games, and enjoys loud games such as street hockey. When Shake comes to spend the summer with his grandmother, he winds up next door to Shermy's family and disrupts Shermy's comfortable life. 

Anyone who has ever been forced to spend time with a companion who is a complete opposite will appreciate the frustration Shermy feels. Disrupted reading time. "Shake, I. Am. Trying. To. Read." Spilled lemonade. Noise when he wants quiet. At one point he even decides that if his mother "was going to keep inviting Shake, she should play with him." 

A short believable story of learning to appreciate differences among peers and finding what friends have in common. Perfect to read with children who enjoy realistic fiction.  

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Fall Reading 2023 System Collapse: The Murderbot Diaries (#7)


For those of us who have been following the exploits of Murderbot from that first diary, every new book proves more and more that Dr. Ratthi is correct, "It is a person!" This time we find our favorite bot/human construct still on the planet it first visited with A.R.T. (Perihelion) and its crew. They have all remained there in an effort to assist the colonists against Barish-Estranza's efforts to seize them as an unpaid labor force. Dr. Mensah and Murderbot's friends from the Preservation Alliance are working with A.R.T.'s crew to prevent the colonists from being forcibly conscripted by the corporation.

Research into the colony's original charter, negotiations with various factions among the colonists, and repairs on A.R.T.'s wormhole drive, are just some of the urgent work being done by the various humans. Despite the fact that it hates planets ("There's dust and weather, and something always wants to eat the humans."), Murderbot is on the surface assisting a crew that are repairing communication routers. And everything goes wrong, as it generally does. Can Murderbot protect its group of humans as they encounter homicidal ag-bots, suspicious enclaves of colonists, and hostile corporate employees?

What makes Murderbot so enjoyable to read about? So many things. There are the science fiction elements of robots, cyborgs,  AI, and space travel. There are also fights for survival against carnivorous fauna, pirates, mutants, and other deadly threats. There are Murderbot's observations of human social conventions and other interactions and the oftentimes deadpan humor of its opinions. For example, "Granted, I liked the imaginary people on the entertainment feed way more than I liked real ones, but you can’t have one without the other." But I think what really draws us in is how much we can all relate to its struggle to figure out what it wants from life - not what is is told it is supposed to want, but what it truly desires for itself.

If you enjoy sci-fi, cyberpunk, and similar genres, you must surely have heard of Murderbot by now. If you have somehow managed to resist giving the series a try, give in to temptation and binge on it. I must confess...I have read the previous titles so often that I have reached the cap set by Goodreads on listing read dates for each of them. And I will. not. stop.  

Just released on November 14 - and also available on Audible. Get a copy now and enjoy it during long winter nights. (I read an advance copy provided by the publisher for review purposes, but then purchased the audio book, too.)

Friday, November 10, 2023

Fall Reading 2023 The Twelve Books of Christmas


Yes, that's right - Brooklyn can't even get through a Christmas season without being pulled into a mystery. She and Derek are invited back to Loch Ness to attend the wedding of their friends Claire and Cameron. And while they are there perhaps they can help locate a dozen books that have gone missing from the castle's library. Spending the holidays in a genuine Scottish castle seems like a great way to relax and enjoy Christmas and New Year's Day, but not when the murders begin. 

Who could be behind the deaths? Is it part of a plot in the village to drive Claire away? Does it have anything to do with the loud and mysterious noises that fill the castle's halls at night? How did the missing books, which all relate to Christmas, vanish from a locked library? What is up with the very pushy young woman Bitsy who keeps trying to insinuate herself between Claire and Cameron? And why has Cameron's father not bothered to get in touch for the holidays or the wedding?

There seem to be more questions than Brooklyn and Derek can answer, even with the help of Brooklyn's parents and Derek's former partner Gwyneth. Readers will be looking for hidden undercurrents in each conversation, scrutinizing each scene for a clue that the characters have overlooked, and adding suspects to their list. Is there more than one criminal at work? Are the deaths and the missing books connected or do they have two separate perpetrators?

With all the descriptions of Scottish holiday traditions and delicious foods prepared by the castle's chef, the story is sure to be a pleasant holiday escape for readers of cozy mysteries - even if Brooklyn and the gang reach the solution before we do.

Fall Reading 2023 Sugar Plum Poisoned

Mel and Angie should know better by now, they really should. Every time they accept a catering gig for a big event or a celebrity there is bound to be a murder. We all know that - it's why we keep a lookout for each new book in the series. This time Angie's friend Shelby from her life on the road with Roach (before she and Tate married) is doing a series of performances at a local hotel for the Christmas season and wants the ladies to cater the VIP lounge. And...of course, a dead body is found.

Our favorite cupcake bakers and the rest of the gang, Joe, their former protégé Oz, Uncle Stan, Stan's partner Detective Martinez, Angie's brothers, and Marty all do their part to protect Shelby while hunting for clues and suspects. But there are so many to choose from: the ex-wife of Shelby's manager, the seemingly hostile hotel owner, the daughter of Shelby's first manager, maybe even an obsessed fan. 

As if that weren't enough of a challenge Mel's mother asks her to host the family Christmas dinner. Then Joe's family decides to come too, and there are a lot of them. The DeLaura brothers agree to decorate the house and Ray really gets into the holiday spirit. Angie and Tate have their infant to care for and make her first Christmas special. What more can they pack into one holiday season? 

Fans will be carefully looking for clues alongside the amateur sleuths and waiting to see if they reach the solution first. A special bonus - recipes for the holiday cupcakes mentioned in the book are provided in the back. So whip up a batch of sugar plum, eggnog, peppermint bark, sugar cookie, or gingerbread cupcakes and then enjoy them as you read this delicious holiday-themed cozy.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Body on the Beach Virtual Book Tour



The Body on the Beach: A Kat Dylan Mystery

Written by Chris Wieland

Illustrated by Leanne Franson

Ages 9+ | 360 Pages

Publisher: The Smart Aleck Press (2023) | ISBN-13: 9798985701326

Publisher’s Book Summary: In this sequel to 2022’s The Crabtree Monsters, thirteen-year-old girl detective Kat Dylan and her little brother, Alec, are back!

Even after cracking the case of the century, Kat and Alec are still stuck in Crabtree, Michigan, and suffering through a long, cold Midwest winter. When Gabby, a middle school “mean girl,” approaches her with a problem, Kat can’t imagine it’s worth her time—or that there’s a chance Gabby’s problems will lead to the next big mystery. But when Gabby becomes the focus of the local police, especially Kat’s Grandpa Nick, her interest is piqued. Before Kat can get to the bottom of things, she finds Gabby lying dead on Crabtree’s frozen beach.

Suddenly, Kat is awash in questions. Who killed Gabby? Could Kat have saved her if she’d paid closer attention to the mean girl’s troubles? From there, Kat, with Alec in tow, sets out to find answers and bring the murderer to justice. Along the way, she learns that Gabby’s case is tied to another investigation: the kidnapping of a rich kid from Chicago whose family is intertwined with the people who own most of Crabtree.

As she and Alec dig, they find themselves at odds with kidnappers and killers, private eyes and cops, and more than a few kids and adults who would just like them to go away.




In this second installment, Kat and Alec are still in Crabtree with their Grandpa Nick. In the first book they solved a series of bank robberies that their grandfather was framed for and he is now back at work at the police department. The kids seem to be settling into life in this small lakefront town; Alec has a buddy that loves skateboards as much as he does and Kat is on the middle school basketball team. That should keep them busy and out of trouble, but then one of Kat’s team members asks her for help. Once again there is a mystery afoot and the siblings are mixed up in it. Instead of robbers wearing monster masks there is a kidnapping, Chicago tycoons, hired security agents, and a death. Between the snowy weather, angry phone calls from their parents, their friend Tom trying to become a teen detective (but without a clue), and the continued blundering of Sheriff Dancer - how are a couple of California kids supposed to straighten everything out? Although the mystery involves serious issues and consequences, Kat also deals with more usual middle school drama. She doesn’t get along with most of the ball team, she misses her best friend Chloe back in LA, and she hates it when Alec teases her that Tom is her boyfriend. Whether readers enjoy suspense, tense action sequences, or mystery mixed in with a school setting, this is a story that will keep them guessing until the end.


Chris Wieland is an award-winning writer and filmmaker. He is also the father of two fierce children, including a tough, smart tween who helped him find the voice of his protagonist, Kat Dylan. He lives in Southern California with his family.

For more information, visit https://www.thesmartaleckpress.com/.






Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Children’s Book Review

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Fairview Review

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Thursday, October 26, 2023

One More Exclamation

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Friday, October 27, 2023

The Momma Spot

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Monday, October 30, 2023

Joanna’s Bookshelf

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Crafty Moms Share

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Cover Lover Book Review

An Article by Chris Wieland

Thursday, November 2, 2023

A Blue Box Full of Books

Book Review of The Body on the Beach and Little Free Library Drop

Friday, November 3, 2023

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Monday, November 6, 2023

My Reading Getaway

An Interview with Chris Wieland

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Life Is What It’s Called

An Interview with Chris Wieland

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Country Mamas with Kids

An Article Written by Chris Wieland

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Because I Said So

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Friday, November 10, 2023

Stargirls Magical Tale

Book Review of The Body on the Beach

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Growing Readers Podcast

An Interview with Chris Wieland

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Confessions of a Book Addict

Book Spotlight of The Body on the Beach

This post is sponsored by Smart Aleck Press. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.

All the Small Wonderful Things Virtual Book Tour



All the Small Wonderful Things 

Written by Kate Foster

Ages 8+ | 240 Pages

Publisher: Candlewick | ISBN-13: 9781536225808

Publisher’s Book Summary: In an endearing story about an autistic boy and his steadfast furry pal, Alex is convinced that winning a trophy at the dog show will help him make a real friend at last.

Eleven-year-old Alex knows that starting middle school will be a big change, and for an autistic person, change can be terrifying. He is sure that having a friend by his side will help. But how can he make one? Alex devises a plan to impress the kids at school by winning a trophy at the PAWS Dog Show with his trusty sidekick, Kevin the Cockapoo. This should be a walk in the park, right? If only. It turns out that finding a friend is harder than Alex thought—unless, maybe, friendship is about something more than popularity.

This charming story, told through Alex’s clear and honest voice, navigates relationships of all stripes between classmates, new neighbors, family, and, of course, a kid and his dog. After all, friendship isn’t one-size-fits-all—maybe it’s found in the small things where you least expect it.




Barnes and Noble


This story follows Alex as he works on his big plan for success in secondary school - he must make a friend before the end of his last year in primary school. We learn that Alex has autism and has difficulty interpreting social cues. He has taken “Be Aware classes” to help learn how to understand body language and facial expressions, but sometimes he is still confused. So his big plan includes three possibilities: he will defeat all the levels of a popular video game and share his skill with others in his class, he will help his relay team in P.E. class to reach the district competition, and he will win a trophy at the upcoming dog show. With all these accomplishments, Alex is sure that the others will see him as a desirable friend at last. While he is working on these goals, his family is coping with his father’s absence at a work assignment. We see Alex with his classmates; some tease him, some show strained patience, and some are openly helpful and kind. And the closest relationship besides his mother and brother is with his beloved dog Kevin. Time and again Kevin gives companionship, comfort, and joy. Readers will see that even if Alex is not always in sync with his peers, he has at least one steadfast friend to depend on.


Kate Foster is a children’s author writing about friends, family, and dogs. Originally from a small town in the southeast of England, she now lives on the stunning Gold Coast in Australia with her family and second-hand dogs. She is passionate about encouraging and teaching a wider understanding of autism and mental illness via a positive approach and representation in both her books as well as her presentations and talks.

For more information, visit www.kfosterbooks.com.


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Children’s Book Review

Book Tour Kick-Off

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Fairview Review

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Life Is What It’s Called

Author Interview with Kate Foster

Friday, October 27, 2023

Confessions of a Book Addict

Book Spotlight of All the Small Wonderful Things

Monday, October 30, 2023

Pages for Paige

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

One More Exclamation

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Heart to Heart

Author Interview with Kate Foster

Friday, November 3, 2023

A Blue Box Full of Books

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things and Little Free Library Drop

Monday, November 6, 2023

Mommy’s Memorandum

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Country Mamas with Kids

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

My Reading Getaway

An Article by Kate Foster

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Friday, November 10, 2023

Cover Lover Book Review

An Article by Kate Foster

Monday, November 13, 2023

Froggy Teach Read

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Momma Spot

Book Review of All the Small Wonderful Things

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Twirling Book Princess

Book Spotlight of All the Small Wonderful Things

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb

Author Interview with Kate Foster

This post is sponsored by Kate Foster. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.