Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry Virtual Book Tour



 The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

Written by Rebecca Laxton

Illustrated by Gracie Laxton

Ages 10+ | 252 Pages

Publisher: Warren Publishing, Inc | ISBN-13: 9781960146236

Publisher’s Book Summary: Thirteen-year-old Emma Murry has three goals for summer vacation: finish her art terms project, land an ollie, and help the environmental club save the monarchs.

But then her Instagram crush Jeb Scott and his celebrity dad Chester make a surprise visit to Black Mountain. At first, Emma is thrilled, but then she overhears their plans to destroy the monarch butterfly garden to build a ski resort. She and her best friend Sophie add a new summer goal: STOP. THE. SCOTTS.

Emma ignores Sophie’s warnings and makes friends with Jeb, convinced she can change his mind. Then when Chester receives a mysterious death threat, Emma teams up with Jeb to investigate. She slowly discovers people are not what they seem as she attempts to untangle friendships, organize a protest, and uncover supernatural secrets hiding on the mountain.

Emma will have to go through her own metamorphosis by overcoming her fears and facing what she dreads. If she fails, she could jeopardize everything—butterflies, friendships, and her family.


Emma and her friends in the Black Mountain Middle School Environmental Club have worked hard to plant shrubs and flowers that will support monarch butterflies along the Greenway in town. She and her best friend Sophie even asked for plants instead of presents at their most recent birthday because they are so dedicated to preventing the extinction of the monarchs. So when they learn that a celebrity is planning to purchase land in the area and build a ski resort that will negatively impact the Greenway and the butterfly garden, they spring into action. Flyers, a petition, a presentation at the city council meeting…these teens are determined to protect the beauty of their town. Middle school is a time of change - of metamorphosis - one might say. Emma and her companions are dealing with possible changes to their beloved butterfly garden and town, changes in their friendships, how to include new arrivals, disagreements on how to approach townsfolk to gain their support, whether to believe local legends or not, etc. The story captures that feeling of uncertainty, of worrying that friends are finding new interests or even new “besties,” and the flustered nature of first crushes. I especially enjoyed the way that art terms were used to start off each chapter. Emma is keeping an art journal over the summer and must create an image to exemplify balance, line, contrast and other terms. Those same terms can be seen at work within the chapters. For instance, Emma associates a particular “color” with each person she knows, while the girls learn that their fathers have different ideas of the “value” of the ski resort being built. This is a great book for middle grade readers who enjoy stories of teamwork, environmental awareness, artistic projects, and the ins and outs of friendship.



Barnes and Noble


Rebecca Laxton has served school communities as an afterschool program director, reading specialist, and school psychologist. While working for Boone County Schools, she was named the Kentucky School Psychologist of the Year for collaborating with teachers and administrators to write and evaluate an emotional intelligence curriculum. 

Rebecca is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Charlotte Literary Arts, and the North Carolina Writers Association. Her short memoir, “Throw Like a Girl,” about playing on a mostly boys Little League team can be found in The Love of Baseball (McFarland 2017). Currently, she is a dyslexia practitioner and enjoys reading, writing and spending time in the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband, four kids, and three dogs. 

Rebecca invites you to visit her online at


Gracie Laxton is a freelance graphic designer and dance choreographer from North Carolina but is currently based in New York City. A 2021 graduate of Central Academy of Technology and Arts in Monroe, NC, she studied art as part of The Savannah College of Art and Design’s high school joint enrollment program. Currently, she attends Marymount Manhattan College, pursuing degrees in dance and art.


Monday, April 17, 2023

The Children’s Book Review

A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Momma Spot

A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Life Is What It’s Called

Author interview with Rebecca Laxton

Thursday, April 20, 2023

My Reading Getaway

A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

Friday, April 21, 2023

Heart to Heart

Author interview with Rebecca Laxton

Monday, April 23, 2023

Barbara Ann Mojica

A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

Tuesday, April 24, 2023

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

An article by Rebecca Laxton

Wednesday, April 25, 2023

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

Thursday, April 26, 2023

Cover Lover Book Review

Author interview with Rebecca Laxton

Friday, April 27, 2023

The Fairview Review

A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

Monday, April 30, 2023

The Children’s Book Review

Author interview with Rebecca Laxton

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Confessions of a Book Addict

A book giveaway of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

This post is sponsored by Rebecca Laxton. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.

Spring Reading 2023 Paper Cuts: Secret, Book, & Scone Society, #6

This series continues to offer readers the guilty pleasures of a cozy mystery, discussions of books, descriptions of luscious baked goods, strong females and female friendships, some romance, and a beautiful setting. This time around Nora and her friends must figure out who killed a cancer patient who was murdered atfer moving to Miracle Springs. It doesn't help that she and Nora had a confrontation in front of witnesses - including a deputy sheriff that seems to have it in for our favorite bookseller.

There are the usual cast of characters - Nora, her part-time employee Sheldon, salon owner Estella, bakery owner Hester, spa manager June, and local sheriff Grant McCabe. Added into the tense situation of Nora being a person of interest in the murder investigation there is also the arrival of Estella's father Gus after serving a prison term and a change in the relationship between Hester and her fiance Jasper. 

One of my favorite elements in this story is the inclusion of a child who is neurodivergent. Tucker visits the book store and Nora begins a friendship with him, finding books about his interests. The author portrays Tucker as a bright fifth grader who processes things in his own way and has a loving mother who helps him find ways to cope with challenges.

Fans will thoroughly enjoy this latest addition to the series and the relationships that continue to grow between the characters.

Spring Reading 2023 Just a Worm

Beautiful illustrations made with paper quilling take readers through a garden tour as a worm tries to discover what it can do.  But as it meets one talented creature after another, it begins to think maybe the humans who said, "It's as worm" were right. After all, a worm can't spin a web or pollinate flowers or metamorphose into a butterfly. Will the worm be able to see how much it contributes to the garden? Even its castings, "Okay, fine. Poop." are useful to the plants. 

Children will have fun identifying each of the insects and other graden denizens - ladybugs, butterflies, bees, snails, etc. They will laugh as the worm tries to fly, or sympathize as a teary-eyed worm creeps away from the failed attempt. Ferns, purple coneflowers, caladium, even the snail shells are full of delightful details.  Back matter gives helpful directions on how to create your own quilled butterfly. Other ideas can be explored on the author's website (

This is a story to share with someone who is having a hard time finding their niche, or feeling left out as friends or siblings demonstrate skills that the reader hasn't mastered yet. It would also be a wonderful book to use when exploring all the beneficial bugs in a garden, or to talk about the variety of ways that books may be illustrated.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Spring Reading 2023 The Astronaut's Guide to Leaving the Planet

NASA astronaut Terry Virts has created an enjoyable, readable, and informative book that answers all sorts of questions that might occur to an astronomy buff or hopeful future astronaut. There are chapters on early space travel, training, life on the space station and other topics related to a career in space. Throughout the book are pages labeled "Ask an Astronaut" that answer questions such as "How often do you fly in space?" and "What inspired you to be an astronaut?"  There are also "Astronaut Activity" pages which have readers practice saying hello in various languages (it is an international space station after all), take apart an old toy or appliance to see how it works, and other activities that strengthen skills useful for future astronauts. 

The book is illustrated with cartoon style images and photographs, including a selfie taken by the author during one of his spacewalks! There are also a few diagrams - the space shuttle, a space suit, and an EMU (extravehicular mobility unit). A glossary of astronaut terms and an index are also provided. The narrative style is conversational and easy to understand. Explanations are correct without being too technical. For example, the space shuttle's part in the construction of the ISS is described as "They brought up new modules to add on piece by piece, like a giant LEGO set in space."

Recommended for readers 10 and up - just be sure to set aside some time for those astronaut activities that are suggested! Just published April 11, so pick up a copy today.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Famous Seaweed Soup Virtual Book Tour



Famous Seaweed Soup

Written by Antoinette Truglio Martin

Illustrated by Penny Weber

Ages 5+ | 32 Pages

Publisher: Purple Butterfly Press | ISBN-13: 9781955119405

Publisher’s Book Summary: Beach days are the best days and Sara loves everything about the beach. Her favorite part is making her Famous Seaweed Soup. Collecting all the ingredients is a tough job but Sara thinks she’s up to the task!

Can she make it all by herself or will a busy family foil her recipe?




Barnes and Noble


Sara and her family are spending the day at the beach and she has big plans to make her Famous Seaweed Soup. Just like the Little Red Hen, Sara finds that no one has time to help her with gathering all the ingredients and mixing them up in her pail. It is amazing how many things her parents find to do instead of working with her. Whether it is feeding baby Hallie, making sandwiches, finding the beach playlist, chatting with a friend - Mom and Dad are too busy to join Sara in her project (and Hallie is no help since she is a baby busy tasting her own toes or putting sand in her mouth). But when it is time to eat the soup, Sara gets the last laugh by declaring that they all must taste it. This story mimics the plot of the Little Red Hen, but updates it with an interracial family visiting the seashore. Children will have fun naming off the ingredients - water, seaweed, snails, a crab, and other items found on the beach. If they have enjoyed ocean visits of their own, this will remind them of treasures they have picked up on the sand. If they have not made it to the beach yet, then they may wish to do more investigating and find out about sea snails, gulls, or horseshoe crabs. Either way it is a perfect book to share as families begin to look toward summer vacation with their preschool or primary school kids.


Antoinette Truglio Martin is a retired speech therapist and special ed teacher, who now enjoys life as an author and nonny. She finds wonder in children’s play and captures the magic with her stories. Antoinette lives in her hometown, Sayville, New York, where she writes and plays on the Long Island seashore with her beach-loving family and friends.

For more information, visit:


Monday, April 10, 2023

The Children’s Book Review

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Life Is What It’s Called

Interview with Antoinette Truglio Martin

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Thursday, April 13, 2023

My Reading Getaway

Interview with Antoinette Truglio Martin

Friday, April 14, 2023

Cover Lover Book Review

Interview with Antoinette Truglio Martin

Monday, April 17, 2023

Writer with Wanderlust

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Heart to Heart

Interview with Antoinette Truglio Martin

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Confessions of a Book Addict

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Thursday, April 20, 2023

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Friday, April 21, 2023

The Fairview Review

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Monday, April 24, 2023

Lisa’s Reading

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

My Word Playground

An article by Antoinette Truglio Martin

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Barbara Ann Mojica

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Rate Your Story

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Friday, April 28, 2023

Me Two Books

A book activity paired with Famous Seaweed Soup

Monday, May 1, 2023


A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Crafty Moms Share

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Momma Spot

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Because I Said So

A book review of Famous Seaweed Soup

This post is sponsored by Purple Butterfly Press. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.