Written by Kimber Fox Morgan
Illustrated by Kim Sponaugle
Ages 4+ | 32 Pages
Publisher: Creative, Simple Wonder Press | ISBN-13: 9781737038672
Publisher’s Synopsis: Chipper the Fox and his Arctic friends travel to summer camp for fun in the sun! After an amazing summer, how will they stay in touch with their new friends and keep their summer adventure going?
Chipper the Arctic fox and his pals make some great new friends at summer camp. They swim, compete in archery and tug-of-war, hang out in the sunshine, and find all sorts of fun activities to enjoy. When they return home, they want to maintain their connection to their new buddies, so they decide to write and send surprises. Their intentions are well meant, but not so well executed. One gets his friend’s address wrong. Another tries to send some snow, which melts and ruins the letter. Still other gifts go wrong as they are lost along the way or even wilt and start to stink up the package! When Chipper and his cold weather pals get together and try again, they have better luck the second time because they plan ahead. This story made me laugh as I recalled summer camp times of my own. I remember one summer I carefully collected the addresses of all my new friends, then was heartbroken when I arrived home and realized I had left the little notebook full of addresses at camp! So much for my plans to keep in touch. Chipper and the others realize that crafting a cute paper hug to send through the mail works much better than rocks, shells, and snow. And the friends who are missing them appreciate the affection shown in the gift. Young readers may want to create their own special surprises to send to someone, or they may begin a campaign to attend summer camp for themselves!
Kimber Morgan is a multi-award-winning children’s book author who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Kimber is a fun wife and imperfect mom of 3 crazy kiddos and two little lemon (problematic) dogs. She tries to live her strengths the best she can. Morgan is a homemade Halloween costume type of mom who lets her kids mix the Play-Doh. She bakes fun birthday cakes (cutely, but far from perfection) and loves a homemade Valentine and a school project.
Writing children’s books is an extension of her creative strength. She strives to create picture books that are beautiful, engaging, humorous, and with themes of acceptance and kindness. She hopes you love reading her works. Kimber is available for author visits and wants to connect with you.
Visit her on Instagram @kimbermorgan_writes and her website, kimberfoxmorgan.com.