Have you ever had a friend who did everything with you? Isn't it fun to have a friend like that? Well, it is at first, but sometimes you can get a little tired of never having any alone time. And what about when that friend does things that really annoy you or embarrass you? (It doesn't have to be a friend, it could be a brother or sister.)
Groundhog has his shadow and it is always with him. They laugh and cry and run and jump and eventually grow up. But Phil thinks his shadow is not acting the way an adult groundhog should act, so one day he tells him, "I wish you would just go away." And his shadow does. It's very peaceful and quiet after that, because Shadow is off exploring the world and Phil is at home being a responsible adult groundhog. Will the two of them ever get back together?
This is a great story for anytime of year, not just on Groundhog's Day. It is perfect for anyone who has ever thought that they outgrew a friend or were tired of a friend, then wished they had that friend back. There is also plenty of room for discussion about "Be careful what you wish for."
The illustrations are very funny and add extra pizzazz to a story that is very humorous all on its own. The scenes of Shadow burping loudly at the dinner table, or pointing to Phil and calling out "P U" when he passes gas are hilarious and sure to appeal to those who like jokes involving burps and similar situations. The illustration of Phil enjoying a scary movie all decked out in his 3-D glasses while Shadow is screaming and waving his hands in the air in terror was great. It would also be fun to map out all the places that Shadow visits, like the Great Pyramids and the Eiffel Tower. And, of course, kids will laugh when they see that sometimes Shadow is nowhere to be found on February 2nd. I would love to have kids draw their own pictures with their shadow and see what they choose to have their shadow doing.
Highly recommended for elementary grades and those who are forever young at heart. I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.
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