In today's media, we are accustomed to TV shows or movies featuring female detectives, police officers, military members, or secret agents. But 160 years ago, women were not even considered for such jobs. That didn't stop Kate Warne from becoming the first female detective working for the Pinkerton agency. Yes, those Pinkertons, the ones who provided security for President Lincoln. Kate took on many cases - tracking down criminals of all sorts, and even spying for the Union during the Civil War. Not many people have heard of her, but recent books like this one by Marissa Moss are about to change that.
If you enjoy true tales of people who take their destiny in their own hands and don't let social expectations stop them from doing what they are good at, you should read this book. As the saying goes, "Well behaved women rarely make history." The society of her day may have frowned on her lifestyle, but she paved the way for other women in what had been an all male occupation. She even helped President Lincoln to reach Washington safely for his inauguration when his enemies plotted to ambush his train and assassinate him during the journey. We all owe her our gratitude and admiration.
I read an e-book provided by the publisher through edelweiss.
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