Monday, July 3, 2023

Summer Reading 2023 Cameron Battle and the Escape Trials


Readers who have been eagerly awaiting the sequel to Cameron Battle and the Hidden Kingdoms can relax now as they find out how their hero fares in his second visit to the land of Chidani. Cameron and his friends Zion and Aliyah return to complete their quest and save Queen Ramala and her kingdom. There is plenty of action - riding gryphons, fighting ghosts, mastering trials of reasoning and bravery, exploring under the sea - these kids do not sit still for long (unless they are grabbing a meal). 

The West African and Igbo history and mythology that form the basis for Chidani and vibrant and rich. Everything from gods and goddesses, mermaids, the gryphons, healing sprites, and magical weapons work their way into the story. And it is not all about physical courage - there are matters of the heart, too. Cameron has been working out the nature of his love for his best friend Zion throughout both books and that relationship is explored in quieter moments between battles. He must also decide how to react when a bully from their new middle school is swept into Chidani with them.

For those looking for a middle grade series with a Black protagonist and African traditions as part of the book's setting and characters, this is a story to pick up or recommend to others. The conclusion of the book could be the end of the series - it draws everything together. But as the chosen Descendant, Cameron and his besties could have more adventures in the future. Who knows?

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