Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Bella Santini Chronicles Virtual Book Tour



Enter for a chance to win a Bella Santini Chronicles book prize pack!

One (1) winner receives:

A copy of Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

A copy of Bella Santini in the Troll Wars

A Bella Santini Chronicles Back Pack

Three (3) winners receive:

A copy of Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

A copy of Bella Santini in the Troll Wars


Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

Written by Angela Legh

Illustrated by Whitnee Nixon

Ages 8-12 | 204 Pages

Publisher: Waterside Productions | ISBN-13: 9781954968080

Publisher’s Synopsis: An ordinary teen girl stumbles into a fairy ceremony; is arrested and brought to the fairy kingdom, the Land of Everlasting Change, a land caught in the struggle between good and evil, where Queen Tatiana fights to keep the balance of power from tipping. Queen Tatiana spreads the message of the truth of fairyland, that fairies are emissaries of love. This gripping tale in a magical land crosses time and dimensions, bringing readers on a journey of self-discovery.

This book series seeks to plant seeds of wellness into every child’s hearts and minds who reads or has the books read to them. The seeds planted are unconditional love, inner peace, and emotional self-mastery.

Bella Santini in the Troll War

Written by Angela Legh

Illustrated by Whitnee Nixon

Ages 8-12 | 204 Pages

Publisher: Waterside Productions | ISBN-13: 9781956503203

Publisher’s Synopsis: In The Land of Everlasting Change, Bella Santini is an ordinary girl who was spirited away to the land of the Fae. She completed her admission trials and was initiated into Yelimoon fairy school. Her nemesis Novaq continues his campaign to get her thrown out of the school. Under the cover of darkness, Novaq and friends conspire to kidnap Bella and deliver her to Ginekei, who will banish Bella from the kingdom.

Her friends Shibohna, Matteus, and Torvieto, race to her rescue. Together, they use their collective wisdom to foil the kidnappers. However, the rescue party is unable to return to Yelimoon School. A trek through the night brings them to Thessaeria, where Bella learns the truth about who she is.

Meanwhile, the Trolls, under the direction of Ginekei, lead an attack on Fae cities. The balance between light and dark is at risk in the Fae realm. Who is Bella, and what will become of her?

Bella Santini in the Troll War is book two of the Bella Santini Chronicles series. This book series seeks to plant seeds of wellness into the hearts and minds of every child who reads or has the books read to them. The seeds planted are unconditional love, inner peace, and emotional self-mastery.


I appreciated the message to parents in Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change about helping children learn the value of self-love and love for others. The author quotes Mister Rogers, " an active noun." I have heard others say that love isn't an emotion, it is an action. It takes work to love someone when they have hurt you, treated you unfairly, or made your life difficult in some way. That is one of the lessons that Bella learns throughout her adventures. The author also quotes Khalil Gibran, reminding parents that "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth." There is a brief discussion of the themes found in the book (sibling rivalry, bullying, control, enabling and other giving, and bigotry) which helps parents prepare for any questions that arise as their children read the story.

The story itself begins with a family camping trip overshadowed by typical teenage sullenness. Bella had made plans for the weekend and then her parents carried her off for a family nature experience instead. She is terribly resentful, but once she is in the land of the fae and learns she may not be allowed to return to her own everyday life, she begins to see how much she took her family for granted. Her arrival drops her into the middle of a struggle for control of a kingdom. The queen's sister has made alliances with traditional enemies to overthrow the court and seize control. As an outsider Bella has no background knowledge about the intrigue and has to take many things on faith from her new friends.

Readers of the Rainbow Fairies series or the Pixie Hollow books with Tinkerbell and her friends may find Bella Santini and the fae world a new series to enjoy. There are magical tests, spells, fairy wings, dangerous plots, and a chance to make new friends in a magical school. Along the way some gentle lessons about handling emotions, dealing with bullies, and appreciating good fortune are learned by Bella and perhaps by young readers, too.


Angela Legh grew up in San Francisco, CA. She learned from her father that men were people to fear, and that anger is bad. She learned from her mother how to love unconditionally. For the first 54 years of her life, Angela was bullied, first by her father, then by the man she married. In both stages of her life, a fire caused the family to break up. The first fire, when she was five, resulted in the children being sent away for months while her parents sought housing. The second fire, a disastrous California wildfire, caused Angela to question her choices in life; leave her marriage, and seek to find herself. Angela is now an author and self-development mentor.

Her children’s book series, The Bella Santini Chronicles, has received high praise and is known for helping children learn how to manage their emotions.

For more information, visit


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Children’s Book Review

A book review of

Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Fairview Review

A book review of

Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

Friday, April 29, 2022

Life Is What It’s Called

An interview with

Author Angela Legh

Monday, May 9, 2022

Lisa’s Reading

A book review of

Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

A book series review of

The Bella Santini Chronicles

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Momma Spot

A book review of

Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Crafty Moms Share

A book review of

Bella Santini in the Troll Wars

Friday, May 13, 2022

The Children’s Book Review

A book review of

Bella Santini in the Troll Wars

Monday, May 16, 2022

Ravenz Reviews

A guest article by author

Angela Legh

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Shooting Stars Mag

A book review of

Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

A book review of

Bella Santini in the Land of Everlasting Change

Thursday, May 19, 2022

J.R.s Book Reviews

A book series review of

The Bella Santini Chronicles

The Fairview Review is participating in the virtual tour in partnership with The Children’s Book Review and Angela Legh.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Spring Reading 2022 Winnie Zeng Unleashes a Legend


Imagine trying to whip up some goodies for a class bake sale and accidentally summoning the spirit of your dead grandmother. Sounds a bit unusual, right? But that is just the beginning for Winnie as she learns that she is destined to be the latest shaman in her family and her grandmother (Lao Lao) expects her to train on top of her already hectic schedule of homework, Chinese school on the weekends, piano lessons, and surviving parents with high expectations and middle school in general. As if there were not enough challenges in Winnie's life, her older sister has become a complete pain and now David Zuo, her nemesis from Chinese school and piano competitions has transferred to Winnie's school. Life can be so unfair!

The story of Winnie and her battle to save her town from unfriendly spirits is mixed in with her struggles to survive middle school. "Is there a scarier place on the planet?" Winnie asks readers in the first paragraph of her story. Besides all her school and extracurricular activities, Winnie also has to cope with a group of mean girls who enjoy teasing her when she brings Chinese food for lunch and the way her parents constantly compare her accomplishments to those of David. The frustrations of sixth grade (school, family, competition) are described with humor and enough detail to make them easy for readers to picture clearly and still sympathize. Familiar tropes such as enemies to allies and confrontations with mean girls make the story more believable, even as Winnie is also facing off with evil spirits.

Great for middle grade readers who enjoy the Rick Riordan Presents type stories that include mythology and folklore from cultures around the world, as well as for those who like to see a female protagonist as the hero rather than a damsel to be rescued. I read an advance copy provided by the publisher for review pruposes. Publication date is set for April 26.

Spring Reading 2022 J. R. R. Tolkien (Little People, Big Dreams)


I enjoy this series of beginner biographies. They offer enough information to arouse the curosity of young readers without overwhelming them. In this title we are told the story of Tolkien's life from his birth in South Africa to his work on The Silmarillion during his final years. More details are included in the back matter along with archival photos. The illustrations capture the imagination of young Tolkien, beginning with the cover art showing him peering through a golden ring. Other images include a scene of Tolkien sitting beneath a tree as Bilbo runs up the hill behind him to catch up to Gandalf and the dwarves, and there is also a spread that shows him catching sight of children acting out his stories as he walks past the library door. Readers who are familiar with the recent "Lord of the Rings" films may be surprised to see how long ago the stories were written, or to learn of Tolkien's own experiences in World War I and II.

I read an advance copy provided by the publisher for review purposes. Publication date is set for April 26.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Spring Reading 2022 Murder Next Door (Charlie Kingsley Mysteries Book 3)

Murder Next Door features the residents of Redemption, Wisconsin in the 1990s and all the odd quirks of their personalities and their hometown. The protagonist Charlie is an entertaining character; she makes herbal teas and has a penchant for becoming involved in mysteries. As a relative newcomer to Redemption she is not always aware of the town's history, especially the odd disappearances (and sometimes reappearances) that have happened in its past, but her growing circle of friends keep her informed of the latest events. When an elderly woman tries to convince Charlie that a vampire has moved in, a local teen disappears, and a new psychic shop opens - it seems that something strange may be going on.

I have not read the earlier adventures of Charlie and her acquaintances, so I was not aware of the reasons for various attitudes the characters displayed. Hints were given about the relationships, but readers who start at the beginning of the series will be more informed and the byplay will make more sense to them. I appreciated the author's ability to work humor into the story. Mildred's insistence that a housesitter is a vampire because he only comes out at night, Pat's determination to visit Madame Rowena for a psychic reading, and Charlie's attempts to rein in their imaginations all offer some comic relief to the tension of the murder and missing person cases.

For those who enjoy small towns, memorable characters, and a slightly unwilling sleuth who bakes when she is stressed, this is an enjoyable choice.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Spring Reading 2022 Cameron Battle and the Hidden Kingdoms

Think of books that transport readers into adventures like The Neverending Story or The Pagemaster. Now add a dash of Percy Jackson; you know, a young boy learns he has a family history that gives him abilities he hasn't realized were possible. Go ahead and toss in a couple of close friends for support (you can't really have a great adventure without friends). And then mix it all with a large measure of African mythology. Voila! Now you have the basic recipe for Cameron Battle and his incredible journey to the Hidden Kingdoms.

Jamar J. Perry has written a story that features a well-loved Black boy being raised by his grandmother after the death of his parents. When he has a sleepover with a couple of friends they wind up confronting monsters in the backyard and then being swept away into a kingdom magically sealed off from the rest of the world. This hidden land is in the midst of a power struggle between two sisters who disagree on what is best for their people. The argument dates back to the time of slave traders snatching people from the Igbo tribes and sending them away from Africa. Although those raids are over, the sisters still disagree about the future of their people and Cameron and his friends are pulled into the conflict. 

The setting is full of details to appeal to readers' senses. The vegetation, the clothing, the weather, the foods all offer colors, scents, and tastes that make the scenes come alive. Training in martial arts, riding gryphons, battles with evil undead spirits, and flashbacks to past events keep the pace moving quickly. And there are emotional scenes as Cameron learns the true story of his parents' deaths and deals with his grief, as well as the feeling of responsibility for the safety of his friends.

If you know middle grade readers who like the type of stories in Rick Riordan presents and similar series, then have them try out Cameron Battle. Just published in February, it is something new to add to wish-lists and TBR piles.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Meow Is Not a Cat Virtual Book Tour



Enter for a chance to win a copy of Meow Is Not a Cat!

Five (5) winners receive:

A copy of Meow Is Not a Cat


Meow Is Not a Cat

Written by Kelly Tills

Illustrated by Max Saladrigas

Ages 4+ | 44 Pages

Publisher: FDI Publishing LLC | ISBN-13: 9781736700488

Publisher’s Synopsis: Meow is definitely not a cat. Cats lick their butts. Follow along as this wild child’s unique way of following instructions ends up going a little bananas.

Meow Is Not Cat is a completely goofy story, guaranteed to make kids laugh. With a cynical cat, wild monkeys, butt jokes, and a banana cannon, even pre-readers will love shouting out their favorite parts as you read aloud. Nestled among the laughs is a lesson about how embracing a person’s different way of interpreting the world can lead to surprisingly good results —and bananas, lots of bananas.



Meow marches to the beat of a different drummer (although if you said that, Meow would probably come up with an impromptu march). I am a school librarian and work with kids from kindergarten through fifth grade. I can safely say that there is at least one child every year who sees the world in a unique way and carries out directions in a completely different manner from the rest of the class and from the way the teacher intended. Most of the time when you try to explain why their actions aren’t what was meant, they are honestly puzzled and reply, "But you said..."

When teachers and other adults encounter a child like that, they often respond the way Ms. Snickety does - with frustration and strained patience. If grownups can accept that giving an instruction like, “Chip chop, let’s go,” will result in that particular child trying to find a way to act out “chip chop,” they may find more clear ways to give instructions. They may also come to see that those unexpected reactions can be humorous and even work better than the original plan, just like Meow’s imaginative solution to the problem at the zoo. The set of illustrations showing Meow in contrast to the other kids drives home the difference between them. 

This book would be a good one to pair with Tacky the Penguin, showing how someone who may be seen as an oddball can be “a good bird to have around.” And that someone who doesn’t fit in (a square peg in a round hole), might just have the ability to think outside the box that is needed for the benefit of the whole group.


Kelly Tills is the creator of her own uniquely shaped family. Kindness, neurodiversity, and potty humor are her jam. She writes silly stories for kids and believes even the smallest hat-tip, in the simplest of books, can teach our kids how to approach the world. Kelly’s children’s stories are perfect to read aloud to your little humans or to have your older kids read to you (hey, let them flex those new reading skills!). Either way, you’ll enjoy the giggles.

For more information, visit:


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The Children’s Book Review

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Books Are Magic Too

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Fairview Review

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Monday, April 18, 2022

Writer with Wanderlust

An article by the author

Kelly Tills

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Dream Within a Dream

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Lisa’s Reading

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Friday, April 22, 2022

The Momma Spot

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Monday, April 25, 2022

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

An article by the author

Kelly Tills

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Me Two Books

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Barbara Ann Mojica

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Reading Is My Superpower

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Friday, April 29, 2022

Life Is What It’s Called

An interview with

Author Kelly Tills

Monday, May 2, 2022

Crafty Moms Share

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Lille Punkin’

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Ravenz Reviews

A book review of

Meow Is Not a Cat

The Fairview Review is participating in the virtual tour in partnership with The Children’s Book Review and Kelly Tills.