The story that Maynard tells his cousin, Little Moose, is a zany bedtime tale full of sheep, deep thoughts, tea, and legumes. The little moose in Maynard's story can't sleep because every time she goes to bed, "an idea would come into the brain part - Boing! Boing! - and bunk around there all night long." Adult readers will certainly be able to sympathize with having a brain that will not stop thinking long enough to drift off to sleep. And younger readers will appreciate the little moose's disgust with having to eat big bowls of legumes and going to bed an hour early.
The foreword warns readers (or those who listen along with the CD) that Modern Moose is a very different language than the English that humans use.Never fear, there is a glossary provided to help with the more unusual Moose terms.
I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys humor, bedtime stories, or good story-telling. Willy Claflin (in the photo below with Maynard), is the human who has written down Maynard's stories for him. There is also a FaceBook page for Maynard.
I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley. The book was published January 6, 2014.

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