Cryptids seem to be taking over the bookstores lately. There are the Roland Smith books like Chupacabra, The Crypto Keepers,The Abominables, and now The Yeti Files. Luckily for the yetis in question, the "scientist" who is trying to prove their existence isn't very bright. He can't keep up with anything or read a map and he has his dog, Noodles, drive the van. Blizz Richards is our yeti narrator and he explains that the main point of being a cryptid is to "keep magic and mystery in the minds of humans" - they are not supposed to allow themselves to be photographed or give any other proof of their existence. His cousin Brian was unfortunate enough to be caught on film by George Vanquist (the goofy scientist) and soon his photo was everywhere. Brian was so embarrassed that he disappeared and the family hasn't heard from him. Blizz decides it is time to track down Brian and bring him home for a big family reunion. But Vanquist is still out to prove that the yetis are real and he is determined to get more photos and evidence. Can the yeti clan pull off their reunion without becoming an Internet sensation?
I recommend this for readers who are making their way into chapter books, but don't want something overwhelming. The characters are funny. The illustrations show everything from cool tree forts to caves to crazy maps. And there's a pretty good chance that the good guys (or good yetis) will win.
I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley. We just added this title to the library through our Scholastic Book Fair.
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