Boy, heReallyIs anAwesomeNatural talent.
I can't think of a book by Brian P. Cleary that I haven't liked, and this one is no exception. When I first saw the title and then learned that it was a book of poetry, I thought, "Only Brian would tackle poems about pasta." But that isn't what the book focuses on. It is full of acrostics and he even makes a poem from the word acrostic to explain what that means. I enjoy using acrostics when I teach poetry because they can so easily be about any subject and don't have to rhyme; those are two things that also make them a favorite of my students.
In this collection there are poems on subjects as diverse as colors, food, pets, and teachers. Two topics sure to be crowd pleasers with the elementary school set are pirates and dinosaurs. The illustrations add to the charm and humor. The scene of the teacher flying into the classroom in a superhero outfit is awesome. I also enjoyed the combination of two of my favorite topics - libraries and pizza. (I'm not going to spoil it by telling you how they are combined.)
Whether you are a teacher looking for examples of poetic forms to share with your class, a poetry lover, or simply a fan of Brian's work - this book is another winner.
I read an ebook provided by the publisher through NetGalley. Here are links to the author's website and the illustrator's page on the publisher's website.
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