Gillian Cobbler. Thief. Fairy Tale Reform School student. Hero. Can one girl really be all those things? She's already a daughter, a sister, a friend. But because she and her friends thwarted Alva the Evil Fairy's attempt to take over their school, Gilly is now famous. There are good and bad consequences of fame. Her father's shoe business is now booming, because everyone wants a pair of glass slippers like Princess Ella's. With all the new income, the family can finally afford new clothes and has plenty to eat. On the downside, Alva has a vendetta against Gilly. It's also very hard to sneak around when your face is recognized by everyone, so Gilly and her friends are having to work extra hard to figure out who is the mole at FTRS that is feeding Alva information. A hero's work is never done.
One of the great things about the Fairy Tale Reform School series is that they don't focus on the fantasy elements to the exclusion of everything else. Readers still get to see the evolving relationships between the characters, whether they are friends, family, or foes. Watching Gilly try to earn her way back into her sister's good graces or make her father proud or apologize to her friends when she hurts their feelings, all of that makes it much easier to identify with her and care about her fate. Although the characters are from Enchantasia, and some of them are even magical creatures such as fairies or ogres, they are not two-dimensional stock characters. They all have strengths, weaknesses, and emotions that make them interesting as individuals.
Fans of fantasy, fractured fairy tales, mysteries, or school stories will all find something to enjoy about Charmed.
I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.
*Update 08/01/2016 We have added this book to the Fairview library.
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