Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Reading 2013 Cassie and the Woolf

I enjoy fairy tales that have been given a modern twist or a uniquely different ending. Twicetold Tales all re-imagine a familiar fairy tale. This one sets Little Red Riding Hood in modern Forestville and has Cassie Cloak picking up her grandmother's supper from the deli. Caleb Woolf is playing basketball with some friends nearby and sees the bags of food she is carrying. He decides it would be easy to get some free supper from the younger girl and her sick grandmother, so he sets off to do just that. Things don't go exactly as he has planned. Cassie and her grandmother have their own way of dispensing justice to the big, bad Woolf.

Choosing an urban setting in a modern city are just a few of the changes to the story that author Olivia Snowe makes in her retelling. You'll have to read it yourself to find out exactly what happens to Caleb, Cassie, and Grandmother. If you like it, then you should check out the rest of the series.

I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley. It was published on August 1, 2013. You can see the other titles in the series on the publisher's website.

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