Who knew that a red, rubber kickball could cause so much trouble? But when that ball has been kicked into outer space and races toward Uranus for five and a half books before smashing into Robo-Plunger, terrible things happen. Our heroes, George and Harold, have to face many scary situations in this latest adventure. There is the return of the Turbo Toilet 2000, Melvin and his glow-in-the-dark, time-traveling Robo-Squid suit, Super-Secret Test Day, and the threat of being placed in separate grades and never being in the same class again! (Hey, the threat of separation was enough to motivate Bill and Ted into having their Excellent Adventure, so we know it could work.)
By the end of the book we've had one guest artist and his nana, 2 Georges and 2 Harolds, three hamsterdactyls, and an awesomely violent smack-down between Captain Underpants and the Turbo Toilet 2000. Add in several sections of flip-o-rama, and what more could you want? Fans of Geroge, Harold and the Captain will be delighted at their return home from time-travel and eagerly awaiting the sequel.
One of my favorite parts is something young readers may not catch. The boys name their pet hamsterdactyls - Dawn, Orlando, and Tony. There are plenty of little bits like that keep the tradition of bedtime read-alouds alive and well.
I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley. It will be published August 26, 2014.
Update (9/19/2014) - We just added this title to the library through our Scholastic Book Fair.
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