Lunch Lady and her sidekick Betty are back for another adventure. This time around there is something fishy going on with the school picture day. Nearly every student shows up with major acne the day of pictures and the photographer is charging $15 each to airbrush the photos. She seems convinced that everyone is a natural in front of the camera and encourages many of the kids to bring in some money so that she can make up modeling portfolios for them. Betty and Lunch Lady have to use all their detective skills to find out what is really going on. At the final showdown, our heroes have to use the art of disguise to blend in as fashionistas - which is a very funny look for them.
Some of my favorite gadgets from this book include the fancy ketchup-packet laser, the mustard grappling hook, serving spoon crowbar, and chicken nugget bomb. It certainly makes you look at school lunches in a whole new way. You can always count on Lunch Lady to serve up lunch...and justice.
In his TED talk, author Jarrett Krosoczka explains what inspired him to begin the Lunch Lady graphic novels and how he went on to start School Lunch Hero Day. We have added a copy of this book to our library.
Thanks for sharing! Enjoyed meeting Jarrett at conferences and his TED talk! I know my kids LOVE his Lunch Lady books! #8 should be great as well!!!