It's year two at the Jedi Academy for Roan and his classmates. He's so eager to get to school that he actually mis-remembers the date and arrives a week early. Roan thinks things will be much easier this year since he has friends, but he manages to upset Pasha's father, then Pasha, and Gaiana. He has trouble with Cronah, Cyrus, and Jo-Ahn making mean comments about him on Holobook. He has trouble with public speaking class, um, like, um, you know. Mr. Garfield always finds some reason to mark down his grade in Flight Training class, no matter what he does. There are some fun field trips to Hoth and the Imperial Senate. a light saber tournament, a group project building a droid, and a class pet Voorpak. It's funny how similar the Jedi Academy is to school here on Earth. There are tests, homework, trips to the Principal's office, even an epic food fight. And, of course, learning to be a good friend and learning who are your true friends is all a part of growing up. Roan learns more of those lessons than he does the academic skills, but that's okay.
Still funny and great for Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Star Wars fans - recommended for all middle-grade readers.
I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley. It's scheduled for release on July 29, 2014.
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