For everyone except zombies (walking dead, zed, zeke, dreadfuls, etc.), this book will have something to appreciate. If you are not a foodie, have no worries - you can simply amuse yourself reading the explanations of why you might need these recipes. If you are into DIY, then the oven hacks will be right up your alley. Vegan? No problem - you can make do with the sprouts, seaweed, and other herbivorous options. Lucky enough to stumble upon a cache of MREs? Then this will be much more useful than a vintage Julia Child collection.
Lauren Wilson has taken into consideration what life after zpoc will actually be like. No more trucks delivering fresh produce to the nearest Walmart Super Center, no kosher deli down the block, no more drive-thru or fast food delivery. So she has thoughtfully provided instructions on how to construct various ovens (without electricity), to sprout beans/ seeds/grains for some densely nutritious green shoots, and even how to roast crickets and season them. Warning! Don't eat the crickets if you are allergic to shellfish.
Having read the preview copy, I cannot wait to read the entire book. And I need to buy several copies to give as gifts, or stash in secure locations along with stockpiles of other survival gear (just in case).
I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley. Check out the book's webpage for more information.
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